A few years back we published our list of 35 mistakes that you should try to avoid making as a celebrant. And judging by all of the messages, emails and comments we got back then, we knew that it hit the spot for many celebrants.
So we've gone even bigger this time around and created a list of 51 no-nos. 51 mistakes you’ll want to try and avoid in order to keep your celebrant business and celebrant mental health in good shape and to help you to carry on enjoying a job that you love, to the maximum.
So, before you get stuck in, please remember, it's just a list offering a bit of guidance, not a rule book or celebrant bible. It's just our take on the things we know help us to stay in our celebrant lane and to be the best versions of ourselves as celebrants.
So here goes, in no particular order:
Mistakes to avoid...
Not being yourself. (Be yourself and be unapologetic about it. The end.)
Forgetting to network and get your name out there. (Do it, even if you hate it, like Natasha! Be more...
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