Hands up if you are a celebrant who suffers from a lack of motivation or huge amounts of procrastination when it comes to script writing?
Don’t worry! You’re not alone. We’ve got our hands up too!
This is one of the biggest complaints that we hear from celebrants when it comes to script writing or other big writing projects like writing blogs, social media posts or new website content.
And just so you know, there is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about if you are a perpetual procrastinator (I’ll just make another cup of tea/stare out of this window/pet my cat/dog some more before I write this script.), or if you are majorly motivationless.
It doesn’t mean that you don’t love being a celebrant and that you don’t love creating ceremonies for your families and couples. These are both very natural emotions connected to doing huge chunks of work. Because let’s not forget in order to create ceremony magic, we’ve actually got to create the magic and much of that comes from what we write.
It’s the same for authors. They love writing, they love creating their stories, but sometimes the writing and the creation of amazing stories can feel like a chore, and often writers need to find a technique or tactic to help them get focused on what they need to focus on and to write what they need to write.
So having listened to our members and hearing how these two emotional beasts can really play havoc with their productivity, we decided to create communal workspaces where celebrants can come together and work in a structured, and focused environment. And so far, it’s been hugely successful for those who’ve come along.
We meet on Zoom, we share what we want to achieve and over two hours, which is broken up into time blocks we set about on our individual tasks working to a strict time.
Research shows that a) working under time pressure and b) working in an environment where you can see others working around, helps with your own productivity.
In just a few sessions we’ve had members:
- Starting scripts and making more progress than they thought they would.
- Finishing scripts and making a start on another.
- Making huge progress with getting their Trello board setup
Basically, sh*t has been getting done. And we know as celebrants we need to get our sh*t done!
We started off trialling one session a week, and because of the success of it we're now running daily sessions. Here's our timetable.
Time (UK)
9-11 am and 7-9pm
If you've spotted a session or sessions that could work for you, and you’d love to join our co-working groups and you’re not yet a member of the CC, come and join us and add this huge benefit to all the other fabulous stuff we do each month. You can find out more here.