Celebrant Officiant Training Courses

Natasha Johnson Celebrant

Where awesome people become awesome celebrants

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, it means that you’re thinking seriously about becoming a celebrant or officiant, and are wanting to find a celebrant training course or organisation that can help propel you on to this amazing path. Well look no further!

Being a celebrant is the best job in the world. Fact! And here at the Celebrants Collective we are incredibly excited to not only provide awesome celebrant training for awesome people, but we also support celebrants long after their celebrant training course is finished. With us, you don't just take a course, you start a journey. A journey of guidance, advice, camaraderie, mentorship, community and self-development, and above all, fun!

Celebrant Training with The Celebrants Collective

For three years now, we’ve been providing top-notch education for those already working as celebrants through our celebrant membership platform, workshops, events and retreats and we also serve celebrants through our online community on Facebook. Our work sees us inspiring and empowering celebrants to be good at what they do, to love what they do and have success with what they do.

And now we’ve extended our range of education to include online wedding and funeral celebrant training courses, for awesome people like you who are ready to become amazing celebrants. Exciting? Or very exciting indeed?

If you’d like more information about our wedding and funeral celebrant training courses, visit our celebrant training site for more details. 

Would you like to talk to Claire & Natasha directly about celebrant training? Join our friendly private Facebook group for answers to your questions.

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