Being confident as a Wedding Celebrant isn’t just about being confident in planning, creating and leading amazing wedding ceremonies, because being a Celebrant isn’t just about creating ceremonies.
It’s mostly about running a successful and sustainable business which gives you the ability and freedom to create amazing ceremonies for your couples and create a lifestyle and a business that you love.
It’s about being confident in all aspects of your Celebrant business and applying that confidence and alignment to all layers of your business.
When you are 100% confident and 100% aligned in your business you will:
Market yourself with confidence
Sell your celebrant self with confidence
Attract your ideal clients with confidence
Handle booking enquiries with confidence
Price your services with confidence
Ask and receive money with confidence
Learn how to say ‘yes’ with confidence
Learn how to say ‘no’ with confidence
Make decisions with confidence
Lead your ceremonies with confidence
Conduct your business and work relationships with couples confidence
So, how confident are YOU as a Wedding Celebrant? Take our test and find out! You may be surprised. You answers will appear at the bottom of the quiz.
* DISCLAIMER: The answers to this quiz are private and for your information only. They are not collected anywhere on this site. These tests are provided for informative and entertainment uses only. They are not clinically administered and as such the results are not suitable for basing important decisions on. These tests are also not definitive, and any results should not be taken as a true reflection of your personality or work practices, if you choose not to.
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In my experience, peak performance demands high confidence in my ability to perform, but at the same time a modicum of insecurity, as otherwise I would become blasé and over confident.I regard myself as as the designer and presenter of a show that gives social recognition to a marriage that already exists for the bride and groom. Professional artists and stage performers are often insecure about their performance on stage. I love being on stage in this environment but I am always on edge (not insecure) and this amps up my performance.
Yes, that’s right Martin. Too much confidence can mean over confidence when it comes to ceremony delivery. This quiz is also about overall business confidence, not just performance confidence, which whilst is also important it isn’t the only consideration.