How many potential clients do you let slip through the net?

By Natasha Johnson

August 2, 2023

celebrant blog, celebrant business

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a celebrant; you cannot deny the excitement you get in seeing a juicy enquiry land in your inbox or DMs. An enquiry that ticks all or most of your boxes and looks like it has the potential to become a definitive booking. You reply with equal excitement, you wait, and then nothing. No reply, no confirmation of receipt, no thanks for the info. Just nothing.
So, what do you do next?
A. Cry into your pillow?B. Complain to anyone who will listen?C. Do nothing?D. Follow up your original email?
We’re hoping that 'D' is of course your answer!
Following up is KEY! It can be the difference between not getting a booking and getting a booking. It’s as simple as that!
So let’s cut straight to it and quash any silly thoughts about following up enquiries. Done in the right way chasing up enquiries doesn’t mean: 

you appear desperate.
you're harassing anyone.
you have to feel icky.
you're doing the hard sell.

Here are some tips for following-up in a nice ...

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About the author 

Natasha Johnson

Natasha is the founder and co-director of awesomeness at the Celebrants Collective, with her business wife, Claire Bradford. When she's not overseeing celebrant development and supporting the hell out of their members, she can be found drinking fabulous Spanish wine, dancing to Beyoncé and hanging out on her veg patch, sometimes all at the same time. She lives in Malaga, Spain with her two favourite humans, three dogs, eight chickens and two giant African snails. (Don't ask!)

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