Whilst a lot of what’s going on in the wedding world at the moment is out of our control, there is still so much that is in our control. If you’re a wedding professional with some extra time on your hands, now might be a perfect opportunity for you to pull out all of the educational stops and pave the way for 2021.
With 2020 scuppering most wedding plans and of course wedding business plans, most of us are looking ahead to make 2021/2022 awesome ones.
So do you fancy taking part in a five day FREE online summit to give yourself a much needed wedding boost? To bring your back your mojo and supercharge your wedding biz knowledge ready for attracting more of your ideal clients and booking more weddings, too! Of course you do!Why book more.
Why join the summit?
I’m over the moon to be one of 26 wedding educators who’s going to be sharing my wedding expertise at the Book More Weddings Virtual Summit this September.
This event is specifically crafted for the wedding industry because we have different needs than other industries. We don’t get a ton of repeat customers and we sell bespoke services to people who are brand new to buying these kinds of things.
For 5 days, September 14th-18th, Heidi Thompson of Evolve Your Wedding Business will be bringing you presentations from 26 industry experts who have found ways to attract more ideal clients and book more weddings.
You’ll learn about everything from the steps to book clients in the age of COVID-19, using Instagram to attract your ideal clients to you, turning your website into a lead generating machine, and so much more.
Exciting? Or flipping exciting?
Guess who’s a speaker?
Well, I am flipping excited because I’m going to be talking about one of my huge business passions – BLOGGING! I’m going to be sharing my top blogging tips and and helping people to avoid the mistakes which prevent them from driving the right kind of traffic to their wedding websites.
And Heidi’s pulled in some pretty big names within the wider celebrant community too, including:
The fabulous Marie Burns Holzer who’s going to be looking at how to create raving fans through awesome client care. And the wonderful Bethel Nathan who’s going to be speaking about why your couples ghost you and helping you to understand why couples might not book you.
Pretty good, right? And this is just three speakers out of 26!
But do you know what the best part is Natasha? It’s totally free!
So what you waiting for? Get more details, grab your ticket and book your place here.