It's a good question to ponder over isn't it? Just how creative you are as a celebrant. If you were to stop and think about it, like right now, how would you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10? Ooh, it's tricky isn't it? The likelihood is that you'd probably judge yourself more harshly than you should, because you're probably much more creative than you think you are.
Here at the Celebrants Collective we believe that creativity feeds EVERYTHING that we do as celebrants. Tapping into your celebrant creativity means:
Writing better scripts.
Crafting better social media posts.
Communicating more effectively with your clients.
Marketing yourself more authentically.
Delivering better ceremonies.
Expanding your writing skills.
Deepening your understanding of ceremony creation.
Getting creative with the ceremonies that you offer.
So it's pretty important! Tapping into your creativity is one surefire way of improving all aspects of your celebrant business, so let's get you on track with your creativity, by first working out how creative you actually are! Take our quiz below and find out if you are curiously creative, confidently creative or courageously creative!
And feel free to share your results on social media at the end, especially if you fancy a bit of humble bragging. Nothing wrong with that!
Please note: * The answers of this quiz are not collected anywhere on this site. This quiz is provided for informative and entertainment uses only. They are not clinically administered and as such the results are not suitable for basing important decisions on. These tests are also not definitive, and any results should not be taken as a true reflection of your personality or work practices, if you choose not to.
Photo by Fiona Walsh Photography