Join Us For Our
3-day Creative Celebrant workshop 2024
March 18-20th
09.30-17.00 UK TIME
Wherever you've got internet!
You missed out!
Three days of creative immersion to improve your celebrant practice and performance brought to you by the Celebrants Collective
For our fourth Creative Celebrant workshop our theme is BACK TO BASICS.
We're going to start at the beginning.
Celebrant Oldies
Celebrant Newbies
As a seasoned and experienced celebrant, your days as a fledgling were a while ago! And although you've since found your feet and matured into a fabulous celebrant, perhaps it's time for a freshen up!
Maybe your ceremony practice has got a bit stale. Lacklustre. Or boring, dare we say!
Maybe it's time remind yourself of what you've forgotten, to get acquainted with things that you might not have known, and to refresh your ceremony writing and practice, so that it feels all lovely and shiny and brand new again.
If you're feeling like the celebrant equivalent of a rusty old Ford Fiesta (feel free to replace with the car of your choice!), then this is the 3 day experience that will get you well oiled and firing on all cylinders again.
As a newbie, you might not be long out of training, or may you have taken your first steps down the celebrant path. But now you might be feeling a little bit shaky. A little bit unsure with your next steps, a little lacking in confidence with what you should be doing. You might need some reassurance that what you think you know about creating ceremony, is actually what you ought to know.
If you're feeling lost, panicked, nervous and maybe even a little bit scared, then this 3 day experience will help to settle your nerves and balance your emotions.
In your surrounding yourself with fellow newbies and more experienced celebrants too, you'll find your feet again and build up your confidence to get you right where you want to be with your celebrant communication, practice and performance.
Three packed days of value, education and fun!
The great thing about this workshop is not just the fantastic input from the speakers, it's having the opportunity to meet and share ideas with such a lovely group of celebrants who all support and inspire each other. Even if you know you can't set aside 3 days in one go, the fact the sessions are available on catch-up means you can access them as and when you have time to do so.
Clare O
2023 workshop attendee
Thank you for creating such a fun, practical learning environment. The sessions were so well planned and all of the session leaders are so passionate about their role which is so inspiring. It was also great to see familiar faces and meet so many new fabulous people. Already looking forward to 2024.
Clara M
2023 workshop attendee
I am very happy that I convinced myself to attend this workshop and made time for it. Although I know that coming to CC events is NEVER a waste of time, ever!
Karina g
2022 workshop attendee
This will be the best investment in your business you could make this year. You will come away energised and raring to put everything into practice. So different from those courses you take part in that leave you feeling inadequate, with a long list of "should be doings."
Lynn Tierney
2021 workshop attendee
What You'll Learn and who you'll learn from over the three days
We've hand-picked our session leaders to bring you the best of their knowledge right to your fingertips.
Claire Bradford
Natasha Johnson
HOst & workshop leader
Lonan Jenkins
Jamie Walker
Celebrant, Training Tutor & SESSION LEADER
Jane Blackman
Laura Crockett
And here's what we'll be teaching and sharing
With these sessions and more, your creative juices are really going to flow.
In this practical workshop, Claire and Natasha will invite you to think deeply about who you are as a celebrant. How you view yourself as a creative celebrant and also how you think your prospective clients view you. Who do they think you are? During this practical session you'll take part in some individual exercises all tailored around getting a better understanding of your creative self.
In this session, Lonan is going to get you to create your 'story river' which represents your journey getting into celebrancy - this is a powerful tool and technique to remind you of what motivated you and led you to being a celebrant. In order to grasp where you are as a celebrant and where you want to go, it can be really useful to look at your past and how it all began. Acknowledging the lifetime of skills and the mindset that you bring to your role (and maybe have forgotten or weren't aware!)
Music can play such a huge role in ceremonies, and can really make or break the ceremony vibe but how confident are you with how you work with music (live and recorded) during your ceremony and helping your clients to select music for their ceremony? In this session, former Radio DJ and now wedding celebrant, Laura, is going to go back to basics with music in ceremony. This session will be a hit for any celebrant who wants to take their ceremonies to the next level and make sure the music runs smoothly and seamlessly. It will also be a great session for newer celebrants who may not have much experience with a wide variety of ceremony music.
In this sessions Jamie will take you on a ceremony choreography journey. From preliminary scene setting and rehearsals, onto 'When things go awry' and how to embrace that, to how your choreography comes together to elevate the ceremony experience. You'll end this session with a great understanding of how important the environment is for setting the scene/tone for the ceremony. Not to mention confidence in handling situations when things have to go to plan B and a renewed confidence in suggesting alternative scenarios to your couples with real-life examples.
Everyone in this event is a celebrant, but how often do we stop and ask ourselves what ceremony actually is and what are we doing when we are creating ceremony. In this session, Claire and Natasha will take you the process of breaking down all of the elements of a ceremony. They'll get you looking at the terminology, meanings and definitions, from multiple perspectives, to help create a better understanding of our creativity as celebrants and how we can take that understanding to create and craft better ceremony experiences.
It's a trick question because the the answer is both! Symbolic rituals, where possible, should look inviting but more importantly should be powerful. But how do you achieve that? How do you make sure that the symbolic rituals that you bring into your ceremonies aren't just pretty with zero power or impact? In this session, Claire is going to get you to think about symbolic elements and create rituals that are both pleasing on the eye and impactful on the heart.
You're invited! Come and take your seat as we sit down to watch a professionally recorded video of a real wedding led by Natasha from the summer of 2023. Recorded from the audience viewpoint, from start to finish, you'll get to see a ceremony which includes a love story, three readings and personal vows written and read by the couple. Not to mention, an emotional ceremony with live music, wind and a dog! And a very engaged set of friends and family. We will then deconstruct the ceremony and discuss elements from engagement, communication, choreography, standing positions, microphone use, scripting and ad-libbing, and everything else in between.
If you want to metaphorically swipe right and find the perfect match with your clients, you need to have a keen sense of who you are and who you're looking for. In this creative session we're going to get you thinking, writing and creating the perfect copy which showcases who you are and also solidifies who your dream clients are too. Find yourself and you'll find your favourite people, too!
As celebrants we are always looking at new ways of bringing ritual into ceremony, or how to put a different spin on an existing ritual. And sharing rituals, a ritual where couples and also their guests share a tipple, can be such a wonderful way to bring creativity into a wedding ceremony.
The theme of ‘sharing’ is of course a basic staple of our ceremonies after all - whether our couples are sharing wine or food, sharing words, readings, poetry, music, singing songs or simply sharing joy through their celebration.
In this session Jane will take you through the basic idea of a sharing ritual, how to create one, how to collaborate with your clients to make it personal to them and their guests. This will be a great workshop for any celebrant who wants to expand their repertoire and offering of personalised symbolic elements.
Inspired by what you've learned and want to discuss it? Or maybe you have a burning question you'd like to ask? This is the place to be. We'll open the floor to you at the end of each day.
Check out our event schedule
Excited by all of the sessions on offer? Check out our timetable below for how they'll be featuring over the three days. Awesome? Or Awesome?
9.30-11.00 Workshop welcome & session One: The creative celebrant - who do you think you are? (Claire and Natasha)
11.00-1130 Coffee/Tea/ Screen Break
11.30-13.00 Session Two: Lonan Jenkins - Creating your celebrant story
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-1530 Session Three: Tinder for celebrants: How to find yourself and the people who’ll love working with you. (Claire and Natasha)
15.30-1600 Coffee/Tea /Screen Break
16.00-17.00 Day wrap-up and Q&A
Times are set to UK time. Times may vary slightly on the day. All sessions are recorded.
9.30-11.00 Day welcome & session One: Defining the ceremony elements (Claire and Natasha)
11.00-1130 Coffee/Tea/ Screen Break
11.30-13.00 Session Two: Jamie Walker - Back to basics: Wedding ceremony choreography
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
1400-1530 Session Three: A wedding ceremony from start to finish with Natasha Johnson
15.30-1600 Coffee/Tea /Screen Break
16.00-17.00 Day wrap-up and Q&A
Times are set to UK time. Times may vary slightly on the day. All sessions are recorded.
9.30-11.00 Day welcome and session One: Symbolic rituals: Pretty or Powerful? (Claire)
11.00-1130 Coffee/Tea/ Screen Break
11.30-13.00 Session Two: Raising a glass and sharing the love with Jane Blackman
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-15.30 Session Three: The importance of music in ceremonies with Laura Crockett
15.30-1600 Coffee/Tea /Screen Break
16.00-17.00- Closing ceremony created by event participants + event wrap up
Times are set to UK time. Times may vary slightly on the day. All sessions are recorded.
Feedback from previous Creative Celebrant Workshops
These last three days have been transformative. Thank you to everyone for your creativity, generosity, vulnerability and willingness to play! To Natasha and Claire - We could only have been brave and taken those leaps because we knew there was a soft landing if we fell. So THANK YOU!!
Claire L
2023 workshop attendee
Thank you for a great few days, the sessions I joined were fab, particularly Clare’s session yesterday had really shaken something up in me! You ladies really are so authentic, you can see the love for this business not just to make money. Thanks everyone
George H
2023 workshop attendee
I just wanted to say thank you for the last couple of days. I am sorry I couldn't attend the last day - I will watch the sessions on catch-up - but I really did have a fantastic time and it was a privilege to be connected to such an inspirational group of celebrants. Thank you everyone and all my best wishes for your businesses - your clients are very lucky!
Clare o
2023 workshop attendee
I would definitely recommend the Creative Celebrant Workshop to both new and existing celebrants. The workshop was fascinating, enriching and inspirational and I came away armed with so much knowledge and new ideas for my celebrancy career. It was worth its weight in gold in terms of stretching my imagination, developing a positive mindset and connecting with other celebrants. It was also a lot of fun!
Celine Gucher
2021 workshop attendee
How does it work?
Book your space and receive instructions for how to attend the event.
Enjoy three full days of live sessions, interaction and Q&A time.
Access all recordings for up to 9 months after the event, so you can replay and review.
Workshop Event Ticket Pricing
CC MEMBERS & Early BIRDs only*
Full 3 day event access for early birds and celebrants Collective paying members and trainees ONLY. Price is in UK pounds. Check the price in your own currency here. Early bird price available until Sunday 3rd March, 2024 for non CC members.
REGULAR non-members ticket
Full 3 day event access for non-members of the Celebrants Collective from 9 March 2022. Price is in UK Pounds. Check the price in your own currency here.
Our creative sessions are...
What you’ll get when you sign up:
The celebrant event you won't want to miss!
If you're planning on attending this workshop, block your agenda, make sure you will not be disturbed, and plan a day off afterwards to let all the info and inspiration settle down.
Iris van Noorden
2021 workshop attendee
This event was certainly value for money. The selection of speakers was varied with something for everyone. Even topics that I thought were not going to be of interest to me, turned out to be!
Glenda Procter
2021 workshop attendee
If you're thinking about signing up, go for it! You'll learn a lot about yourself, your style and how to make creative changes to your work.
Lynda Gibson
2021 workshop attendee
I signed up for the Creative Celebrant Workshop to learn new ways to improve our ceremonies and to innovate as celebrants. I can only rave about the Celebrants Collective and its leaders Natasha and Claire, and I had no doubt that the Creative Celebrant Workshop would be inspirational, useful and fun. I wasn't able to attend in person; I went through the video playbacks and really regretted missing them live. The sessions stoke the imagination and creativeness even of a vintage officiant like me. Guest speakers were absolutely fabulous, each an expert in their creative field whether writing, acting, performing imagery… all giving attendees new information, and alternative views for improving our craft. I personally came away with many new thoughts on who I am as a celebrant. If you're a celebrant of any kind, this is a must attend workshop.
Bonnie Marie
2021 workshop attendee
* Celebrants Collective Members are paying members of the Celebrants Collective membership community. This also includes current Celebrants Collective trainees and graduates. You must be a member of the Celebrants Collective at the time of purchase and during the event itself to qualify for the discounted ticket price. Please be sure to purchase your ticket at the correct price according to your membership/non-membership status.
Prices are in UK Pounds.
Who is this event for?
This is the first year where we haven't featured anything specifically for funeral celebrants, because in October, we're going to be running an event solely for funeral celebrants. If you're a wedding celebrant or a funeral celebrant who is wedding curious then this is the event for you! It's for celebrants worldwide who pride themselves on being able to give their couples' and families their absolute creative best.
Celebrants who want to create deeply personal experiences for their clients. Who want to amplify their creativity, expand their performance skills and take their ceremony practices to new levels. And those who also want to channel their creativity into other areas of their celebrant business.
Is this you?
This event is for you if you're a new celebrant
Maybe you've not had a chance to write many scripts yet or lead your first ceremonies. This event will help boost your celebrant creativity and improve your vocal, writing and performance confidence. As well as give you confidence to sell and market yourself more confidently too.
This event is for you if you could use a confidence boost
Maybe it's been a while since you properly led a ceremony. Maybe you've never felt 100% confident about how you hold a ceremony space and deliver a ceremony with energy. Well, our workshops will inspire you to take action and boost your ceremony confidence.
This event is for you if you want to improve your creativity
Do your scripts and your writing processes feel a bit samey-samey? Are you often stuck for hours procrastinating over what to say and how to say it? Our workshops have been designed to load you up with inspiration and motivation to help you shake up your ceremony writing and creation process.
More awesome feedback from last year's workshop

Join us for our 3-day
creativity workshop
Three days of EVERYTHING you need to boost your celebrant creativity. From how you think about writing, to how you actually write, and communicate. An amazing boost for your performance, energy and vocal ability too. We've got you covered.