One of the things that I love talking about as a celebrant is about making money and earning a decent living. I love to disrupt some of the negative and damaging ways that celebrants think when it comes to making money. You know these kinds of thoughts.
It’s crass to talk about how much money celebrants make.
It’s not actually. It's good to be transparent.
We should be more concerned about our role than how much money we make.
We can be equally concerned about both.
If you love what you do, you shouldn’t complain about how much money you earn.
Why not want to gain more money for the good that you do?
It’s greedy to want more.
No it’s not.
Talking about money means it’s your only concern.
Not true.
We should make our prices more affordable so that everyone can afford us.
Not everyone is our client, which is why there are lots of different celebrants with lots of differing prices.
Sentiments like this don’t do us favors as celebrants. You can have a job that you love AND make good money from it. Money which enables you to pay your bills, feed your family, afford you a nice family holiday, whatever it is that you need your celebrant role to provide for you.
Making money and wanting to make more money as a celebrant is allowed and should be encouraged. Why should we suffer financially or not fulfill our earning potential all in the name of doing what we love?
Which scenario would you prefer?
I absolutely love my job but it doesn’t make me enough money OR I absolutely love my job and the money I make is great too! I know which I prefer.
I could talk about this all day. In fact, Claire and I regularly talk about money mindset and pricing with our CCHQ members as we think it’s super important.
So I want to share 3 top tips for celebrants interested in upping their earning potential and all-round job satisfaction whilst doing the job that they love that allows them to serve their community.
I highly recommend grabbing your FREE ticket to next week’s five day Wedding Business SEO Summit (Jan 25-29th). Many of the awesome 25 presentations focus on expanding, streamlining and creating more income in your wedding business.
From presentations on becoming a team to making money through passive income, you’ll find lots of ideas for making your wedding business more profitable.
Grab your FREE TICKET here, and don’t shy away from wanting the business you love to be a more profitable one for you.
See ya there!
It’s crass to talk about how much money celebrants make.
It’s not actually. It's good to be transparent.
We should be more concerned about our role than how much money we make.
We can be equally concerned about both.
If you love what you do, you shouldn’t complain about how much money you earn.
Why not want to gain more money for the good that you do?
It’s greedy to want more.
No it’s not.
Talking about money means it’s your only concern.
Not true.
We should make our prices more affordable so that everyone can afford us.
Not everyone is our client, which is why there are lots of different celebrants with lots of differing prices.
Sentiments like this don’t do us favors as celebrants. You can have a job that you love AND make good money from it. Money which enables you to pay your bills, feed your family, afford you a nice family holiday, whatever it is that you need your celebrant role to provide for you.
Making money and wanting to make more money as a celebrant is allowed and should be encouraged. Why should we suffer financially or not fulfill our earning potential all in the name of doing what we love?
Which scenario would you prefer?
I absolutely love my job but it doesn’t make me enough money OR I absolutely love my job and the money I make is great too! I know which I prefer.
I could talk about this all day. In fact, Claire and I regularly talk about money mindset and pricing with our CCHQ members as we think it’s super important.
So I want to share 3 top tips for celebrants interested in upping their earning potential and all-round job satisfaction whilst doing the job that they love that allows them to serve their community.
Raise your prices -only you alone will know when the time is right to raise your prices but an incremental increase can sometimes make all the difference to how much you earn. It can also relieve the pressure of needing more bookings, by having a higher priced service. Maybe 2022 is the year that you can up your price and get more for what you do, without having to work even harder for it.
Offer additional complementary services - there are lots of additional services that you can offer as a celebrant that can help to boost your income. Wedding celebrants can have script-writing only services, Master of ceremony services or charge extra for rehearsal services. Maybe you’re arty and can sell ceremony items like handfasting cords or candles. There’s so much scope.
Create passive income - As a celebrant you have a lot of knowledge in that head of yours. Why not use it in other ways such as in creating e-books, mini courses, 1:1 video sessions which can be sold via your website to wedding couples (yours or not). For example, lots of couples who don't use celebrants want to know how to write their own vows. Your products could be of service to them.
Team up - there are lots of different ways that you can team up with other celebrants and help each other to make more money either through simple referral systems, working together or actually becoming a team. For me, becoming a celebrant team was one of the best biz decisions I’ve ever made.
I highly recommend grabbing your FREE ticket to next week’s five day Wedding Business SEO Summit (Jan 25-29th). Many of the awesome 25 presentations focus on expanding, streamlining and creating more income in your wedding business.
From presentations on becoming a team to making money through passive income, you’ll find lots of ideas for making your wedding business more profitable.
Grab your FREE TICKET here, and don’t shy away from wanting the business you love to be a more profitable one for you.
See ya there!