Will you be celebrating the first World Celebrants Week?

By Natasha Johnson

November 25, 2020

global celebrants, world celebrants week

We’re not even going to beat about the bush here. Grab your diary and get these dates in it ASAP! From 15th-21st of November 2021, we’re inviting you to celebrate with us, wait for it, drum roll please…

World Celebrants Week!

Yes, you’ve read that right, World Celebrants Week. An entire week of doing what we do best, celebrating and spreading joy among communities worldwide, but this time we’re going to be doing all of that and more within our very own celebrant-officiant community. And because we have so much to celebrate, we need more than a day, don’t we? We need a whole butt-kicking week! Whoop!

As celebrants and officiants, we bring so much joy, happiness and comfort to our communities, to our couples and families who rely on us to help create and lead their life celebrations. We may not be heros and saints but we definitely deserve a week to celebrate ourselves and raise awareness of what we do. For sure!

Now we’ve got the exciting news out in the open, let’s rewind a second and explain how we got here.

Last week, you might have seen a post that we ran on social media about National Celebrants Day in Australia, a day which had been brought to our attention by one of our lovely trainees. We felt like, without wanting to take anything away from the Aussies, that we could be inspired by their national day and amplify it to celebrate and commemorate ALL celebrants and officiants worldwide.

Well, the response that we got from doing that was fabulous. And so a little seed was planted, which was further watered by loads of positive and motivational comments on social media.

Lovely Aussie celebrant legend and dear friend of the Collective, Lillian Lyon, added her thoughts to the conversation. In response to us sharing the news of the Aussie National Celebrants Day, she suggested that we should start an International Celebrants Day and from there the seed burst into life! And what blew us away even more, was that Lillian then added, ‘if anyone can do it, you can!’

So here we are, doing what we can!

Not long afterwards, Claire and I jumped into action. We had a fab WhatsApp meeting (don’t you love WhatsApp meetings!?) and put together a mission statement, set a date and have well and truly kick started this idea into motion. We did also momentarily kick ourselves too, at why no one had thought of this idea sooner! But let’s not worry about what was, let’s get rocking with what’s going to be.

So are you coming to join us?

For starters, we’re thinking:

  • ✅  7 days of global celebrant celebrations
  • ✅  Contributions and collaborations with celebrant and officiant organizations worldwide
  • ✅  A social media post challenge for all participating celebrants and officiants
  • ✅  A ‘This is what a celebrant does,’ themed photo competition
  • ✅  Video interviews and presentations with celebrants from around the world
  • ✅  A viral hashtag that will get people talking and flood social media with the most awesome celebrant imagery
  • ✅  Increasing awareness of what we are, what we do, and how we do it!
  • ✅  Some surprise shenanigans
  • ✅  And not to mention having lots of fun, joy and happiness along the way, as we congratulate ourselves and come together to celebrate celebrancy on a global platform.
And of course, there’s much more up our sleeves too.

Throughout the year we’ll be updating you on the latest goings on and new elements added to the roster, as well as firming up the programme of events once we’ve been in touch with other contributors and collaborators.

And because here at the Celebrants Collective were all about collaborating and doing things together, we’ll also be giving you an opportunity to share any ideas that you might have about things that you’d love to see happen during WCW2021! (Don’t you just love how it abbreviates?!)

But planning and plotting aside, let’s just state this, right here and right now, World Celebrants Week 2021 is going to be EPIC!

So can we count on you to come onboard, to help celebrate our amazing global community of celebrants and officiants?

All we need is a ‘hell, yes!’

Before you go, make sure to...

1. Download your Save The Date invitation here and feel free to share it on your SM channels. Grab a hot pink one here. A sexy yellow one here. Or a too cool teal one here.
2. Use this hashtag #wcw2021
3. Add the dates to your diary!

4. Get very excited!

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About the author 

Natasha Johnson

Natasha is the founder and co-director of awesomeness at the Celebrants Collective, with her business wife, Claire Bradford. When she's not overseeing celebrant development and supporting the hell out of their members, she can be found drinking fabulous Spanish wine, dancing to Beyoncé and hanging out on her veg patch, sometimes all at the same time. She lives in Malaga, Spain with her two favourite humans, three dogs, eight chickens and two giant African snails. (Don't ask!)

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